"what if.. ak buat cmtu?"
"what if, ak decide plan B ritu?"
"what if ak ckp je ritu kan?"
mesti selalu kn?
its not like ak nk ckp yg korg cm regret kan. ngan keputusan yg korg da buat, tp, org cm terpikir je.
kalau lah korg wat keputusan yg len.
pernah x pikir kan outcome keputusan korg yg lain tuh?
agak2, worst ke better ek?
erm, xdela. sbb ak cm salu terpikir la.
kt nie, kdg2 wat keputusan x pk, suki2 je decide. xpk kn other solution or option len.
kdg2 nmpk yg tuh je.
de org ckp, xelok perkataan WHAT IF nie.
sbb, byk sgt kebarangkalian die taw.
tp lah, ak de blaja sumting la from cerite 'letters to juliet'.
love story mat saleh, tgkp leleh gak r kn.
ak cm tertarik ngan ayt die.
"what and if are two words as non-threatening as words can be.
but putting dem together side by side and
they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.
what if. what if. what if "
haha. see? the words power. :) might as well we do sumting ait?
just a thought.
adiosss ~
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