Sunday, October 31, 2010

25 Random Things, Fact, Habits, Goal About Me

nak d jadikan cerite, adela minah nie, tag ak. jdk, nak xnk, ak pun cm kene lah kot buat natang nie.
since die pun da pakse ak kan. hee
so, chek it out.

  1. yes. name ak afifah NUR. nur kat belakang ye. n ak cm mls nk jwb knape NUR tu kat belakang. jdk, jgn tanye! hee
  2. ak SGT suke kaler HIJAU! seyesly. im a green freak. xleh tgk kaler len. seyes. seyes. seyes.
  3. kadangkadang, ak rase ak gile.
  4. bnde kat laki yg ak suke adelah..jari yg chantek, dsertakan dgn kuku yg kemas dan pndk + gigi yg teratur! wallah. mmg cair..*melting
  5. ak seorg yg skema. hehe
  6. ak WEIRD. no kidding!
  7. ak sgt suke  choc snickers. pergh, layan~
  8. ak juge sgt suke DONUT. dulu, feberet dunkin donut lah, tp bl da meningkat dewasa, pilihn donut bertambah kn..jdk, skrg, kerana kedewasaan, ak pun menyukai BIG APPLE donuts.. in fact, ak leh mkn 6 ketul sekali makan.. :D *punyelah suke donut.
  9. dulu, mase skola rndh, ade org pena nyanyi lagu tok ak. *jiwangkan? agak la. tp, syg nye, die hanye bertepuk sebelah tgn. maafkn saye. :P
  10. keadaan bilik ak, mmg bersepah. sebb kalu kemas, ak xleh crk brg n ak akn sepah kn blk. hopefully perangai nie berubah 1 hari nnt.
  11. ak suke jogging, sbb tok ak, jogging leh hlgkn tensi ak. xcy? g lah cube!
  12. ak nak grad ngan 1st class honour. :P
  13. impian ak mase kechik2 nk g angkasa. n maseh lg jdk impian ak sekrg..
  14. bercite2 nk kawen ngan org kaye. sbb t, leh goyang kaki je. HAHA
  15. ak sgt suke pompuan chantek. TRUE. suke tgk derg.. :) rs bhgia bersame perempuan chantek. p/s: im not LESBO bai.
  16. im not being me ol de tyme. dont ask y. :P
  17. sgt suke tgk cerite katun and agak percayalah ngan cte fairy tale.
  18. memiliki perut yg tersgtlah SENSITIF!
  19. berharap dpt join pastry nye class, coz i love dessert soo much n nk blaja wat bnde2 tuh
  20. i like somebody, tp, till now xtawu die suke me blk ke x. *GERAM!
  21. insyaALLAH 1 day akan bertudung labuh. aminnn.. :)
  22. ade skin problem yg semakin melampau semakin hari.
  23. suke lelaki bunchit + xsuke yg berbulu dada. (tp, still depends. hee)
  24. rmi ckp, ak garang, naif n pndi belakon. judge for urself.
  25. ak MANJE! :D

there, ive already listed 25 random facts bout me. hope u ll enjoy.
believe it o not? haha. depends on u ~

Friday, October 29, 2010

makchik the cleaner

haish. ak hangin tol ngan makchik yg dok mengemas blok ak nie.
hbs sume bnde ak die nk amek.
bukn ak nk buang pun.
ak ltk kat lua bilik kot.
len la kalu ak letk kat tepi tongsmph ke, kat disposal area ke.
sume die nk amek taw.
yg buat ak lg hangin tu, penyapu org, yg ak tggl kat lua pun die amek gak!

halloo makchik, sy nk mengemas jap. logik la tggl penyapu kat lua.
knape tu pun mkchik nk amek..
pulangkan lah...

ke sala ak ek? huhu


Thursday, October 28, 2010

What one’s favorite color signifies..

just want to share.. ~ 

What it represents: Ah, the color of passion, anger and high blood pressure. Red is a primal color. It represents primal urges, like lust (“I must have younow!”) and fury (you know the phrase “seeing red,” right?). Yes, red is a commanding color: think of how stop signs get you to halt in your tracks and how you stand back when a red fire engine goes whizzing by. 

Understanding people who love it: They act — sometimes without thinking — on immediate desires. In fact, they’re usually the poster children for immediate gratification. It’s up to you if you go for it... or proceed with caution.

What it represents: OK, orange is not exactly the easiest color to wear and it’s not the most common favorite color, but guess what? Orange is as sensual as it gets. Orange is a mellowed red — and it takes primal, lusty urges and mellows them with a softer vibe. Orange is the color of early attractions, emotional responses, and inner magnetism. Oh, and one other thing: orange is also close to gold, the color of success and wealth

Understanding people who love it: Someone who likes orange is alive with feelings, the ability to nurture, and can intuit a path to success. If your favorite color is orange, you don’t have an “off” switch when it comes to passion. This is all good stuff, but there’s nothing casual about the connections this kind of person usually forges. 

What it represents: Yellow is the color of the sun, vitality, power and ego... but it’s not a great indicator of romance. Watch out for self-centered, “me first” energy when someone prefers yellow to the rest of the rainbow. 

Understanding people who love it: If yellow is your favorite color, temper your use of the word “I” when you’re interested in someone else. You can come across as too ego-centric otherwise. Now, if you’re dating someone whose favorite hue is yellow, make sure to jump in and share stories about yourself, since this person may not give you much room. 

What it represents: Here is the heart of the matter: green is the color of love. (It’s no coincidence that we make our money in the same color...) Green is the color of life and abundance — leaves, grass, plants — it’s all about growing, expanding, and living. So why don’t we give ferns instead of roses on Valentine’s Day? Because green is about expansive, humanistic love and acceptance, not bodice-ripping romance. What’s more, green is a nice-person color, a “do-gooder, be-gooder” kind of color. This person has a warm heart. Passion is probably in there somewhere, buried under their integrity and honor. 

Understanding people who love it: If you love green, you put the greater good before your own good — but try a little selfish behavior once in a while. 

What it represents: Blue is a color of clarity, communications and charm. And regardless of the shade, this hue says: “I like to be understood.” On the downside, under stress, a “blue” person can send mixed messages, have trouble making up their mind, or just space out during conversations. 

Understanding people who love it: If blue is your favorite color, you never run out of anything to say — expression is your strong suit. And if you’re dating a “blue” person? The same holds true; you should always know where you stand

What it represents: Purple evokes the energy of illusion, imagination and fantasy. Or should we say purrrrple?Purple tends to inspire coyness, romance, flirtation and teasing — it builds anticipation with a dash of playfulness. The downside of purple is unrealistic expectations. Is it easier to live in your fantasy world than the real world? Some purple-lovers prefer it. 

Understanding people who love it: If you love purple, you can be an imaginative romantic or prefer imaginary romance, depending on how you feel. 

What it represents: White is light — the combination of all colors. White symbolizes purity (the traditional bridal dress, the christening gown) and spirituality. There’s a simplicity to it, too. 

Understanding people who love it: People who love white are probably clean and orderly. While white isn’t the sexiest color, it is certainly healthy. 

What it represents: Like white, black is a combination of all colors, but instead of purity, it represents the unknown, the unseen — mystery. Black basically holds back information... but there’s no denying that it has strong associations in our culture with “the dark side” and evil. 

Understanding people who love it: If your favorite color is black, you are more hush-hush than high-strung in nature. The silence of this color lets others fill in the blanks. Black says, “I’m not telling you anything.” People who love black can be tough nuts to crack, but quite possibly worth the effort


my new addiction.
story about the weird science. advanced science.
best weyh. 
i think uols shud go n download the story.
n u ll be surprise and amazed...
until what extend science can achieved, can reach.
seriously, the story will trigger ur mind and how u think.
weird2 thingy! 


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

buat teruna..

surat untuk kamu.. :)


teruna. surat ini, pernah ku coretkan berkali2.
tetapi, ak tahu, satu pun xsampai kepada mu.
maafkan ak, kerna surat ini hanya mampu ku coret dan ku buang.

teruna, maafkan ak.
surat ini ikhlas dr ak yang ingin memohon maaf kepada mu.
maafkan ak. 
mungkin xde jodoh antara kt.
ye, ak mmg berfikiran jauh.
ye, ak mmg sayangkan kau. (pada mase itu ye)
tp, kt xserasi. semakin lame, semakin byk ketidak serasian muncul.
maafkan aku teruna.

teruna, permintaan ku mungkin terlampau kejam pd waktu itu.
maafkan ak kerana menipu. 
ak da xthn teruna. ak xtahan.
ye, ak merelakan, tetapi, keadaan da semakin runcing.
ak da xmmpu bertahan.
maafkan ak teruna.
pada pemikiran ku, itulah jalan penyelesaiannye.
ak xmamapu menipu dri ku lagi.
maafkan ak lagi.

ye ak kejam. ye ak yg bersalah.
ak harap kau maafkan ku.
ak berharap, kau berbahagia.
dan tlg jgn ulangi kesilapan yg telah berlaku.


buat teruna, andai kau mampu bc surat ini.
keputusan ak, adelah RASIONAL. 
no hard feelings ya. :P

p/s: ak igt lg, biru kaler kegemaran kau. 

entiti di FPree

tanggal 27.10.2010. jam menunjukkan tepat jam 01:33

genaplah malam ke3 kami bermalam d fakulti kesayangan kami.
FPrEE - Faculty of Petroleum & Renewable Energy Engineering.

gambar d bwh adalah sbgi bukti yg kami adalah entiti itu.

nie entiti 1

entiti 2. kihkihkih

ade lg 1 entiti yang xdpt d capture gambar wajahnya. akan ak usaha laen kali.chaloo ~

critical emotion

now nie, saatsaat critical d mane emotion mmg xmenentu.

salah sikit, mmg saje nk crk gado lah tu. aaaaaa

kadang2, xdela salah besar pun, kechik sgt. cm besau semut je. mungkin kechil lg, tp still, ak nk menyentap.

pastu, rase cm menyampah gile ngan org keliling.

yang hanya boleh d lakukan sekarang:
  1. bertahan
  2. bersabar
  3. ignorekan
  4. buat dono
tok org keliling pule:
  • layankn
  • jgn mara
  • bersabar juge

p/s: maafkan saya. :(

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


haha. shweet entry kan??
ak yakin, dlm hp dak2 laki, xkre muda, tua, belia, semua la.
asal name laki, mesti ade simpanan porn.
dlm hp, xternal mahupun dlm bentuk cd.
nak BET??

haha. guys, any komen?
ak cm wonder je. knape mesti ade simpanan itu?
tok tuuuuttttt.... mungkin?


Monday, October 25, 2010

materialistik or safety?

erm, tajuk yg agak kontroversi kot.
ak cm nk komen sal gul yg materialistik nie. $_$ *blink2.
sebb ak cm berminat ngan mereka, kerana ak mungkin salah satu dr mereka?
kalu korg nk tawu sal gul2 jenis nie, g lah tgk cite pisau cukur, lakonan gul2 chantek!
lebih kurang cmtuh la gaye n lagak mereka. lifestyle juge ye.
yes, MMG menggelikan.
dok ngan datok, sbb nk kn duit kn. den cm hancurkn rumah tgge org. wuwu
kejam kn?
derg tawu x, KARMA will hunt dem back?
haha. tp, xpelah kot. setiap org ade lifestyle sendri kn?

bagi ak lah, xsala kot kalu kau materialistik.
pd pndgn ak la, org2 cmtu, (cm ak nie) just nk pastikn mase dpn yg pasti akn save.
xdela mkn pasir kot.
kais pagi mkn pg, o kais ptg mkn ptg kn.
seng hati la kn. bl ms depn tuh da terjamin. mungkin lah kn.
sbb org mst m skp, kalu tbe2 muflis?
ha, sbb kt xtawu kn pe yg future hold 4 us. kan?
tetbe muflis tuh, mmg pdn muke la kn. kakaka

tp, ak xdela pndg serong kat org2 cani, sbb tuk ak, derg de motif derg lah.
nk kate ak phm la nie. tp, kalu korg pena dga yg cm dlm radio, yg dok kecah kat FB tuh, agak melampau la.
sbb, gul tu kejam weyh. ckp gtu kat laki tu. tu da jht sgt. kalu xnk, tolak leklok kn.
kt kn org timur, ade adab kan? hehe
materialistik nie, tok ak prlu. hahahaha
supaye, d mase hdpn, kt xdela terpinge2. erk, cm slh ayt.
supaye d mase hdpn, kt ade back up. kewangan.
pena dga pepatah..


for me, cm org ckp, xde duit, xsemestinye xbhgia.
byk duit pun xsemestinye bhgia.
tp, syg, cinta kasih, sume xbg kt mkn, xbli bj kt, xbyr bil.
hahaha kan?
jdk, for me, kene la ade 2,2 kan?
br selamat. insyallah bhgia.
ak doakn korg k!

chow. salam ~

what if..

pernah x, cm korg tertanye2.

"what if.. ak buat cmtu?"
"what if, ak decide plan B ritu?"
"what if ak ckp je ritu kan?"

mesti selalu kn?
its not like ak nk ckp yg korg cm regret kan. ngan keputusan yg korg da buat, tp, org cm terpikir je.
kalau lah korg wat keputusan yg len.
pernah x pikir kan outcome keputusan korg yg lain tuh?
agak2, worst ke better ek?

erm, xdela. sbb ak cm salu terpikir la.
kt nie, kdg2 wat keputusan x pk, suki2 je decide. xpk kn other solution or option len.
kdg2 nmpk yg tuh je.

de org ckp, xelok perkataan WHAT IF nie.
sbb, byk sgt kebarangkalian die taw.
tp lah, ak de blaja sumting la from cerite 'letters to juliet'.
love story mat saleh, tgkp leleh gak r kn.
ak cm tertarik ngan ayt die.

"what and if are two words as non-threatening as words can be.
but putting dem together side by side and
they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.
what if. what if. what if "

haha. see? the words power. :) might as well we do sumting ait?
just a thought.

adiosss ~

love life dreams

tbe2 rs cm nk ckp sal love life and dreams
maybe ak br pas hbs period kan.
jdk, mode jiwang tuh cm besar. hahaha

ak cm ade impian tok love life ak.
cm fairy tale la kan
so,ak nk list down. haha
konon nye ngan harapan de org buat cmtu n cmni tok ak la.
KONON NYE! ok. :)

  1. org propose ngan melutut dpn ak. *even tok kapel je pun. (demand)
  2. den, nk jln2 tepi pnti. holding hands. hahaha men kejar2 ke kn. wah! soooooo shweeet. :D
  3. den g aquria, g theme park, g zoo, g funfair. tmpt2 yg fun.
  4. alwiz b der 4 me! mase ak sedeh pujuk ak, tmn ak mkn eskrim and all.
  5. lynkn kerenah ak, eventho die xsuke. cm terpakse pun ye gak la kn. xksa la, asal die lyn kn ak.
  6. ak nk g back packing ngan die. jln2 1 msia mungkin. kalu eropah lg best r kan. *berdua je k.
  7. den g hols kat pulau2. walllah!
  8. ak pun nk g nek beskal yg ade 2 seat tuh, yg leh naek dorg. kayuh dpn n belakang.
  9. den, nk g nek smpn. mendayung lah konon nye kat tasek2.
  10. nk g tmpt2 sejuk, men baling2 salji. wat snowman sume same2
  11. nak gak g hiking same2. :P
  12. etc...
pergh, kalu list down, mmg mcm2 ak nk buat kn. bersame2 org tersyg. haish. it would be fun rite?? but neway, no matter wut u do, where u r, s long s u r der, wif sum1 u love, it will be fun! trust me. hee ^^,

daaa ~

hola malaysia!

hahaha. rase cm dalame gile wa xmenulis kn? hee
rkn2 pun da bising weyh.
wa bukn pe, buat natang nie pun coz nk penuhkn mase
skrg mase da tepu.
xde mase 0 org kate.
hahaha bajet bz sgt kn.
tp bz weyh. kalu korg x final year, korg mmg xkn tawu.
lg2 dak2 course ak. hehe
SKP je phm SKP kn.
ade la org yg kua statement nie

btw, korg mst xtawu SKP tu ape. SKP tu, course yg ak amek kat UTM. petroleum engineering.

erm, snanye, saje tulis. ak xtawu nk ckp sal pe actly. kt sharing experience?
boleh ke?
xmau la. buhsan! hahaha
k,k. END. :P